BREAD Working Paper No. 593, July 2021

Machine Learning and Mobile Phone Data Can Improve the Targeting of Humanitarian Assistance Emily Aiken, Suzanne Bellue, Dean Karlan, Chris Udry, Joshua Blumenstock Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), causing widespread food insecurity and a sharp decline in living standards. In response to this crisis, governments and humanitarian organizations […]

BREAD Working Paper No. 509, April 2017

Decentralization and Efficiency of Subsidy Targeting: Evidence from Chiefs in Rural Malawi Pia Basurto, Pascaline Dupas, Jonathan Robinson Abstract Developing countries spend vast sums on subsidies. Beneficiaries are typically se- lected via either a proxy-means test (PMT) or through a decentralized identification process led by local leaders. A decentralized allocation may offer informational ad- vantages, […]

BREAD Working Paper No. 570, January 2020

Decentralized Targeting of Agricultural Credit Programs: Private versus Political Intermediaries Pushkar Maitra, Sandip Mitra, Dilip Mookherjee, Sujata Visaria Abstract We compare two different methods of appointing a local commission agent as an intermediary for a credit program. In the Trader-Agent Intermediated Lending Scheme (TRAIL), the agent was a randomly selected established private trader, while in […]

BREAD Working Paper No. 579, July 2021

Expanding Access to Clean Water for the Rural Poor: Experimental Evidence from Malawi Pascaline Dupas, Basimenye Nhlema, Zachary Wagner, Aaron Wolf and Emily Wroe Abstract Using data from an 18-month randomized trial, we estimate large and sustained impacts on water purification and child health of a program providing monthly coupons for free water treatment solu- […]