Could Vaccine Dose Stretching Reduce COVID-19 Deaths? Witold Wiecek, Amrita Ahuja, Michael Kremer, Alexandre Simoes Gomes, Christopher M. Snyder, Alex Tabarrok, and Brandon Joel Tan Abstract We argue that alternative COVID-19 vaccine dosing regimens could potentially dramatically accelerate global COVID-19 vaccination and reduce mortality, and that the costs of testing these regimens are dwarfed […]
BREAD Working Paper No. 503, February 2017
Vertical Integration and Relational Contracts: Evidence from the Costa Rica Coffee Chain Rocco Macchiavello, Josepa Miquel-Florensa Abstract This paper compares integrated firms, long-term relationships and markets, and how they adapt to shocks in the Costa Rican coffee chain. The industry is characterised by significant uncertainty. Supply failures responses to unanticipated increases in reference prices reveal […]
BREAD Working Paper No. 568, December 2019
Credit Rationing and Pass-Through in Supply Chains: Theory and Evidence from Bangladesh M. Shahe Emran, Dilip Mookherjee, Forhad Shilpi, M. Helal Uddin Abstract We extend standard models of price pass-through in an imperfectly competitive supply chain to incorporate rationing of trade credit. Credit rationing reverses predictions concerning effects of raw material import prices on pass-through […]