Thirty-Seventh Conference

37th BREAD Conference on Development Economics

May 3-4, 2019

University of Maryland

College Park, Maryland

Conference Program

Friday, May 3

Registration 8:00 am – 9:00 am, Cambria (8321 Baltimore Ave, College Park, MD)

8:00-9:00 am: Breakfast, Cambria

9:00 am-12:00 pm: BREAD Board Meeting, Cambria

9:00 am-12:00 pm: Pre-Conference Session, ESJ Rm 0215

Registration – 12:00 pm 1-:00 pm, ANS Rm 0408

12:00-1:15 pm: Lunch, ANS courtyard

1:15-3:15 pm: Conference Session I. ANS Rm 0408

Andres Gonzalez-Lira, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak

Slippery Fish: Enforcing Regulation under Subversive Adaptation

Soeren Henn

Complements or Substitutes: State Presence and the Power of Traditional Leaders

3:15-3:45 pm Coffee break, ANS courtyard

3:45-5:45 pm Conference Session 2. ANS Rm 0408

Michael Koelle

Microenterprises and the Lure of Wage Work: Theory and Evidence from Mexican Export Manufacturing

Caitlin Brown, Rossella Calvi, and Jacob Penglase

Sharing the Pie: Undernutrition, Intra-household Allocation, and Poverty 

6:15 – 7:15 Reception, College Park Marriott, Sheppard Gallery

7:15 pm Dinner (by invitation), College Park Marriott


Saturday, May 4

Registration 8:30 am – 9:00 am, Cambria

8:30-9:00 am: Continental Breakfast, Cambria

9:00-10:00 am Conference Session 3. ANS Rm 0408

Shilpa Aggarwal, Rebecca Dizon-Ross, Ariel Zucker

Incentivizing Behavioral Change: The Role of Time Preferences

10:00-10:30 am Coffee, ANS courtyard

10:30 am-12:30 pm Conference Session 4. ANS Rm 0408

Manuela Angelucci, Daniel Bennett

Adverse Selection in the Marriage Market: HIV Testing and Marriage in Rural Malawi

Vivi Alatas, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Markus Mobius, Benjamin A. Olken, Cindy Paladines

When Celebrities Speak: A Nationwide Twitter Experiment Promoting Vaccination in Indonesia

12:30 – 1:30 pm Lunch (boxed lunches provided), ANS courtyard  


The Scientific Organizers of the Conference are: Sebastian Galiani (UMD), Kenneth Leonard (UMD), Susan Parker UMD), and Garance Genicot (Georgetown). The pre-conference will be organized by Jing Cai (UMD)



The Departments of Economics and Agricultural and Resource Economics, the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, the School of Public Policy, the Maryland Population Research Center, CONSERVE and the Division of Research have provided generous support.