35th BREAD Conference on Development Economics
11-12 May, 2018
Columbia University
International Affairs Building (IAB), Room 1501
420 W. 118th St., New York NY
Friday 11 May
- Registration desk opens at 8:30 am
- 8:30-9:00 am: Continental Breakfast, IAB 15th floor lobby
- 9:00 am-12:00 pm: BREAD Board Meeting, IAB 1512
- 9:00 am-12:00 pm: Pre-Conference Session, IAB 1501
- 12:00-1.00 pm: Lunch, IAB 15th floor lobby
- 1:00-3:00 pm: Conference Session I, IAB 1501
Abhijit Banerjee, Eliana La Ferrara, Victor Orozco
The Entertaining Way to Behavioral Change: Fighting HIV with MTV
Maria Paula Gerardino, Stephan Litschig, Dina Pomeranz
Can Audits Backfire? Evidence from Public Procurement in Chile
- 3:00-3:30 pm Coffee, IAB 15th floor lobby
- 3:30-5:30 pm Conference Session 2: Social Ties & Networks, IAB 1501
Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, Erika Deserranno, Ricardo Morel, Imran Rasul, Munshi Sulaiman
Social Ties, Identity and the Delivery of Public Services
Mohammad Akbarpour, Suraj Malladi, Amin Saberi
Diffusion, Seeding, and the Value of Network Information
- 6:15 pm Dinner, Vinateria, 2211 Frederick Douglass Blvd (betw. 119th & 120th). By invitation.
Saturday 12 May
- 8:30-9:00 am: Continental Breakfast, IAB 15th floor lobby
- 9:00-10:00 am Conference Session 3, IAB 1501
Sara G. Castellanos, Diego Jiménez-Hernández, Aprajit Mahajan, Enrique Seira
Financial Inclusion and Contract Terms: Experimental Evidence from Mexico
- 10:00-10:30 am Coffee, IAB 15th floor lobby
- 10:30 am-12:30 pm Conference Session 4: Infrastructure, IAB 1501
Wyatt Brooks, Kevin Donovan
Eliminating Uncertainty in Market Access: The Impact of New Bridges in Rural Nicaragua
Kenneth Lee, Edward Miguel, Catherine Wolfram
Experimental Evidence on the Economics of Rural Electrification
- 12:30-1:30 pm Lunch, IAB 15th floor lobby
Generous support has been provided by the Center for Development Economics and Policy (CDEP), the Jerome A. Chazen Institute of International Business, the Program for Economic Research (PER), and the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP) at Columbia University.
35th BREAD Conference on Development Economics
Columbia University, New York
May 11 – May 12, 2018
The Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD) is pleased to announce that the 35th BREAD Conference on Development Economics will be hosted by Columbia University in New York, Friday May 11 – Saturday May 12, 2018.
We invite submissions from interested researchers on any topic within the area of Development Economics. The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2018. Only full-length papers will be considered. Please send your paper to BREAD@unibocconi.it.
All papers presented at the conference will be selected through this open submissions process. Please note that there will be time for only a small number of presentations. The conference lasts about a day and a half; there are no parallel sessions.
The Scientific Organizers of the Conference are: Amit Khandelwal (Columbia Business School), Rohini Pande (Harvard Kennedy School), Cristian Pop-Eleches (Columbia University), Miguel Urquiola (Columbia University) and Eric Verhoogen (Columbia University).
If you have any questions, please contact BREAD@unibocconi.it.