Unity in Diversity? How Intergroup Contact Can Foster Nation Building Samuel Bazzi, Arya Gaduh, Alexander D. Rothenberg, Maisy Wong Abstract We use a population resettlement program in Indonesia to identify long-run effects of intergroup contact on national integration. In the 1980s, the government relocated two million ethnically diverse migrants into hundreds of new communities. We […]
BREAD Working Paper No. 531, May 2018
The Political Boundaries of Ethnic Divisions Samuel Bazzi, Matthew Gudgeon Abstract This paper argues that redrawing subnational political boundaries can transform ethnic divisions. We use a natural policy experiment in Indonesia to show how the effects of ethnic diversity on conflict depend on the political units within which groups are organized. Redistricting along group lines […]
BREAD Working Paper No. 577, May 2020
Islam and the State: Religious Education in the Age of Mass Schooling Samuel Bazzi, Masyhur Hilmy, Benjamin Marx Abstract Public schooling systems are an essential feature of modern states. These systems often developed at the expense of religious schools, which undertook the bulk of education historically and still cater to large student populations worldwide. This […]