Revisiting the Eswaran-Kotwal Model of Tenancy Maitreesh Ghatak and Dilip Mookherjee Abstract Persistence of sharecropping tenancy and increases in farm productivity following regulations protecting tenant rights have been observed in many developing countries. This paper examines if these can be explained by alternative models of sharecropping with two sided efforts/investments, namely, complete contract models […]
BREAD Working Paper No. 624, November 2023
Public Service Delivery, Exclusion and Externalities: Theory and Experimental Evidence from India Alex Armand, Britta Augsburg, Antonella Bancalari and Maitreesh Ghatak Abstract This study explores the interaction between the quality of public services, the implementation of user fees, and the resulting potential for exclusion, that can lead to negative externalities. Our theoretical framework takes […]
BREAD Working Paper No. 600, October 2021
Why do People Stay Poor? Clare Balboni, Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, Maitreesh Ghatak and Anton Heil Abstract There are two broad views as to why people stay poor. One emphasizes differences in fundamentals, such as ability, talent or motivation. The other, the poverty traps view, differences in opportunities which stem from access to wealth. […]